Who You Trying To Impress?!?
I may very well make some of ya’ll a little salty with this Blog post, or even make some enemies. But at the end of the day, I would much rather gain Favor with God for exposing Truth, than gain followers who would only follow if I co-sign and support the things they are doing that are displeasing to God. So if you feel a way…Your just gonna have to feel a way. Period.
Now with that being said…LET’S GET IT!
A much better question to ask you other than “Who are you trying to impress?”, would be WHO YOU LIVIN FOR? I enjoy scrolling social media pages as most people do, and I love it when I see people winning. Over the years, as God has been working on me, and Growing my Spiritual Pathway, that word ‘winning’ has developed a new meaning.
I am a woman, a wife, a mother, grandmother, aunt, mentor, and friend. But more importantly, I am a Child of The Most High God in Heaven. In The Bible, Galatians 5:22-25(I’ll post the scripture at the end of the blog), God gives us the 9 Fruits of The Spirit…one of them being Self Control.
The word self control in its own can be defined in numerous different ways and various circumstances, however, the meaning is simple: CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS!
While there are some people who unknowingly carry themselves in ways that are questionable. Always looking for attention, or acknowledgement from others, always posting how much money they have, the material items they possess, or exposing their body parts to social media for reactions. And yes, ladies, even that subtle flic of your cleavage regardless of size is detestable in God’s Eye’s because not only is it vanity, it also causes lust in the hearts of those who are viewing it. But some of ya’ll knew that already.
I think this blog is more directed at those men and women who call themselves Ministers/Servants of God. I have been seeing NUMEROUS pics posted of women preaching Christ’s Word, giving Prophesies to others, but have sexual lust dripping off of them. Even in the way they look into the camera. God DESPISES
a haughty, or lustful spirit so even if your words are lining up with The Bible, your lack of self control is inviting demonic spirits into your life. And even WITCHES are disguising themselves VERY BELIEVABLE right in today’s churches and defiling God’s people through evil spirits unbeknownst to even some of the most seasoned men and women of God. So who’s side are you REALLY on?
I seen one post/picture the other day that convicted ME to go check out all my flics old and new to delete the one’s that should be for God, My husband and my eyes only. I still ain’t done deleting. So see, I am definitely not exempt from the reality in this blog
Maybe your asking: “Well if she seen it, why she ain’t approach the people”? My answer: Because that is not what God told me to do. And I dang sure ain’t scared! OF NOBODY….lemme say it again for the people wearing the Beats Pro’s. I AM NOT SCARED OF A NEAR, NOT, NO, NOTHING, or NOBODY!
BUT GOD, OF COURSE! But God knows that I got a tongue that’s sharper than a double edge sword, and I have not fully learned to control it. I want to be able to approach in love at all times. So see, that’s just another example of self control.
If you are one of these people that I am writing about, I truly mean no disrespect. I want us all to be able to lean on another as brothers and sisters in Christ. Let me ask you a question: when you post things on social media, who do you concern yourself more with impressing? God, or man? Because if you say GOD, then why does it matter if your face is beat, your booty is poppin, your cleavage is showing, your material possessions are mentioned, or that your living your best life?
God ain’t concerned about that, nor are any of those things requirements to be accepted into Heaven.
I know this was a long post, but there’s so many of us out here claiming God in one breath, but being controlled by the master of lies and deceit, and discrediting God’s Purpose within you.
I Pray you all read this with an open mind and a heart of Godly Discernment. Oh, and feel free to ‘check’ me in love if you ever see/hear me doing the okey-doke. Deal? BET! Below is the scripture mentioned:
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
~Galatians 5:22-25